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Mental Health Matters This May (and always)

How to honor your mind, body, and soul this Mental Health Awareness Month

This month, focus on taking care of yourself. For many, May is a month of transition, which means it is even more important to take time to check in on your mind and emotional well-being. As schools wrap up for the year and the weather starts getting warmer, give special attention to your emotional and physical health while you spread awareness. 


Feed your MIND: 

Practice mindfulness- 

Mindfulness is simply focusing on the present while remaining aware of your emotions, thoughts, and sensations. Instead of focusing on the past or future, take a moment to be fully aware of the moment you are in. Try to focus on one of your senses at a time and notice as much as you can about the present moment. 

Read a book- 

Even if you aren’t a big reader, the right book can sweep you away. Taking a few minutes a day to dive into your favorite book can leave you feeling refreshed and grounded. 

Take a break from social media- 

Social media can be a great tool to communicate with friends and family, but it can add unnecessary pressure if you’re already on edge. Resisting the urge to check your phone and putting it in the other room for even an hour can take a load off. 


Cherish your BODY: 


Working out doesn’t only make you physically fit, but it is proven to improve your mood. Try getting 30 minutes of physical activity every day for one week and see if you notice a difference. 

Get enough sleep- 

It’s easy to make sleep your last priority when cramming for end-of-year finals, but sleep is more important than you think! It can affect your mood and even the way you think.

Eat healthy- 

Find a balance of foods that taste good and are good for you. Starting your day with fruit, peanut butter, and some oatmeal will leave you feeling much better than just a cup of coffee. 


Nurture your SOUL: 


It’s the best medicine. Turn on your favorite comedy movie or call your funny friend for an instant mood-booster.

Do something kind for someone else- 

Even a compliment will brighten both your day and a friend’s! When you perform small acts of service and choose to go the extra mile, everybody wins. 


Find things you are grateful for everyday and start writing them down. Focusing on the good can help shift your mindset and leave you with a list of happy memories. 


Take care of yourself and remember— Hold On, Pain Ends.


Article written by Sophia Lisco, Robbie’s Hope Intern

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