Engulfed by the constant fear of not being enough,
I struggle to meet an unreachable standard
enforced only by me.
Those in my life want me to succeed,
but more than that,
they want me to be happy.
Joy appears unattainable;
looming darkness clouds my perception.
I’m doing everything right,
but still an unavoidable cage of sadness
Keeps me from escaping apathy.
I push through exhaustion to accomplish simple tasks.
It’s difficult to remain hopeful
when you’ve been fighting for so long
and nothing seems to change.
Sometimes I slip up.
Forgetting my medication or not eating enough
can quickly cause me to spiral,
and I stay in bed for days at a time.
But still, I try my best to tame my symptoms.
Resisting the pull of a depressive episode,
I push through my school work.
The perfectionist in me is learning to accept
that it’s better to do something poorly
then not at all.
Oftentimes, I fall behind in school
and struggle to prioritize my health.
There is pride found in going through so much
for so long
and keep going.
By struggling
when I could give up,
I show my strength.
I am resilient
and I am determined to keep living.
Katie, CA
Honorable Mention Poetry: My submission is a poem that describes my struggles with depression, anxiety, and other various health issues. My poem represents the prompt “I Am” because it demonstrates how having health issues has impacted me and how I have become more resilient as a result. It shows that I have been heavily affected by the conditions but that they do not make up my identity.